Exploring the Future: A Symposium on Global Innovation in the Art
Sculpture Dance at Chautauqua Institution. Concept by Roland Gebhardt.
LakeArts Foundation Presents:
Exploring the Future: A Symposium on Global Innovation in the Arts
The LakeArts Foundation hosted its partner performing arts organizations and special guest artists at Chautauqua Institution to develop new projects, collaborations, innovative performances, exhibitions, new media, workshops, and lectures that advance independent thought and artistic expression.
Participants included: Carnegie Mellon University, Tribeca Film Festival and Tribeca Flashpoint, SUNY Fredonia, John Lehrer Dance Company, Edinboro University Animation and individual artists: sculptor and performance artist Roland Gebhardt, designer and photographer, Klaus Lucka, composer Miguel Kertsman, and photographer Kay Chernush.
The concept for the featured project at the symposium was created by Roland Gebhardt.
“Roland has been experimenting with the creation of sculptural forms with masks presented by dancers in open-air settings. This work, Sculpture Dance, continues an exploration of group and individual identity that culminated in the 2008 production of a multi-media performance piece, The Only Tribe.
These recent experiments at Storm King Art Center and on the grounds of the Chautauqua Institution begin to unravel spatial relationships embedded in the intersection of identity, abstract sculpture, and landscape. The living time-based Sculpture Dance invites narrative interpretations by the audience. Performances can be dispersed over large areas to examine aspects of perspective – proximity, distance, and juxtaposition, all of which provide for suspense, then surprise and recognition when dancers appear closer and farther from each other, the audience and elements in the landscape”.
Chautauqua credits:
Sponsor: LakeArts Foundation
Dancers: Nancy Hughes (choreography), Gretta Sowyrda, Scott Slocum
Photographs: © 2013 Kay Chernush
The LakeArts Foundation is a nonprofit organization committed to the development and presentation of global innovation in the arts through the LakeArts Festival, the LakeArts Media Arts Programs and the LakeArts Incubator.